Assistant Professor Chih-Whi, Chen
Principal Luo, Jia-Lun Outstanding Youth Research Award.
<This article is proffered by Assistant Professor Chih-Whi, Chen>

My research interests lie in the representation theory. The goal of this field is to represent elements in mathematical objects as linear transformations. This approach allows us to reduce difficult problems to linear algebra problems and further understand the structures of mathematical objects. Well-known branches include the representation theories of finite groups, Lie groups, Lie (super) algebras, quantum groups, etc.
I joined the faculty in Department of Mathematics at National Central University (NCU) in 2019, where I specializes in the representation theory of Lie superalgebras, including the representation theory of complex simple Lie superalgebras. I am mainly interested in the problems of irreducible characters and classification of irreducible representations.
During the research period, I experienced many setbacks, however, I believe this is a necessary condition for success. To overcome these obstacles, it is very important to learn more techniques, follow new results and communicate with co-authors. I also believe that hard work and being patient with problems are   necessary conditions for good research.
Teaching is a very important motivation for me. Weekly reading seminars with students and colleagues always give me many fantastic and new ideas. In addition, weekly research-oriented seminars with students are a constant inspiration for me. These interactions always make me have a sense of accomplishment.
It is my great honor to receive the prize of principal Luo, Jia-Lun outstanding youth research award. I am deeply grateful to the NCU and the department of mathematics at NCU for numerous supports and for providing excellent academic environment and resources. This enables me to do my research well. Finally, I deeply appreciate all that my family have done for me.