學生掛號郵件查詢 Registered mail queries for students
到件日期 Date of receipt 清空 清空
收件人 Recipient
郵件號碼 Mail item serial number
郵件來源 Mail origin
重設 Reset


  • 當日送達郵件 :下午1:30 至4:50。
  • 非當日送達郵件 :星期一~五 上午(AM) 8:30 ~ 12:20  下午(PM) 13:00 ~ 16:50 。
  • 週休二日及國定假日不開放領取郵件。
  • 掛號郵件於系統公告招領通知次日起15日內(含假日)未領取即辦理退件。
  • 雙掛號郵件(含訴訟(行政)文書及回執明信片)於系統公告通知2日(不含假日)未領取即辦理退件。

【Pickup times for registered mail for students】

  • Mail delivered on the same day: 1:30 ~ 4:40 pm
  • Mail delivered on previous days: Monday through Friday, 8:30~12:20 and 13:00~16:50
  • Pickup of mail and freight items is not possible on weekends and public holidays
  • Registered mail is returned if it is not collected within 15 days (incl. holidays) after the day following the receipt notification by the system
  • Registered mail with AR (incl. judicial (administrative) documents and advice of delivery) is returned to sender if it is not collected within 2 days (excl. holidays) upon notification by the system


  • 本人 :請攜帶學生證或附有照片之證件 (如身份證、駕照等證件)
  • 代領者 :請攜帶收件人及代領人之學生證或附有照片之證件。若代領雙掛號郵件請攜帶代領人附有照片之證件、收件人之印章或收件人授權郵件代領委託書領取。

【Documents required for the pickup of registered mail】

  • Pickup in person:Student ID or other photo ID (e.g., ID card, driver’s license)
  • Pickup by proxy:Student IDs or other photo IDs of the recipient and the proxy. For the collection of registered mail with AR, a photo ID of the proxy and the seal of the recipient or a Power of Attorney for Collection of Registered Mail with AR issued by the recipient are required.