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welcome to Department of Biomedical Sciences & Engineering.


Seminar Dr. Hsin-Chou Yang (Research Fellow and Director, Institute of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica) Apr. 23, 2024

Release Date:     Unit: teaching assistant
Dear All,
The seminar will be held on Tuesday,  Apr. 23, 2024.
Please see the seminar series information as follows:
Date :  Apr. 23, 2024
Time : 14:00 ~ 16 : 00
Location : R3-103
Speaker :   Dr. Hsin-Chou Yang
Affiliation: Research Fellow and Director, Institute of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica
Title : Transforming Precision Healthcare: Harnessing Statistical Data Sciences and Artificial Intelligence to Unite Genetics and Medical Imaging for Advanced Disease Risk Prediction
Updated: 2024-04-19 Category: Speech events Views: 68