NCU established the Office of Research and Development in March 1997 for the purposes of integrating the research resources in the university, developing international academic exchange and cooperation, and promoting the technology transfer of R&D achievements into industries in the university. Aside from striving for extramural R&D funding outside of NCU, it intends to facilitate the research performance and to boost the international competiveness. In recent years, this office has demonstrated concrete results in upgrading the achievements of research and development under endeavors of every research unit and faculty members, by means of gradually establishing the R&D regulations and mechanism for the faculty.
R&D Office has three divisions, “Planning”,“Project Management” and “Research Promotion” . In order to secure NCU's outstanding educational research, we create a favorable research environment with optimized research facilities. Assisting NCU faculty and research fellows to obtain government/corporate research funding and ensuring accountability in the use of the funds after they are granted. Then, we also devote a lot to facilitating academic cooperation and exchanges with prestigious research organizations overseas.
R&D Office has set two centers:The center for academia and industry collaboration is in charge of patent management, technology transfer, and entrepreneurship incubation. Also, it has regulated promotion and collaboration of academia and industry projects of the University. Assisting in the acquisition of patents and intellectual property management with the aim to incubate new technology industries and promote the sustainable growth of the University. Precious Instruments Utilization Center receives the funding of Ministry of Science and Technology(MOST), experts supervise the use of instrument and offer consultation services. In order to create a favorable research environment , the center also regulate the resources of the precious instruments.